Asking God for Help
Tuesday October 27, 2020
I’m always asking God for help, for myself, my family, my friends, my neighbors and my Sisters...praying about all kinds of health, work, financial, and personal concerns. I find that praying helps me to focus on God and less on the “small stuff”. But honestly, I have to search my heart; where is the praising and thanksgiving in my many prayer requests?
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Do you get stuck in your head, like me? Or do you stay only in your heart? I find it personally challenging that this verse states that God’s peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, but that promise is dependent on “not being anxious everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present requests to God.” BOOM!
I’m able to memorize these verses, but living them out finds me coming up short. Sure, sometimes I can give thanks to the Lord, but so often I find myself going through my running list of “God, what about my family situation? ... my back pain? career?”
Imagine standing face to face with Jesus….either praising God or petitioning God. Maybe you alternate offering prayers of praise and petition. What do you feel? What do you see? What do you perceive?
For me, I imagine that in worship, I turn to see Jesus standing behind me, lifting his nail scarred hands out for me to see and touch. It’s NOT about me, it’s about Jesus Christ...being totally honest with God and totally grateful. “Who am I Lord, without you?”
Women, are you willing to be bold by releasing your anxiety, praying and petitioning with thanksgiving everything that concerns you? Are you willing to make it a priority to give thanks to God, even when you are facing adversity, struggles, business losses or gain? Do you long to hold onto the “peace of God that transcends all understanding”?
Along with me, I invite you to place both hands out, palms up and be honest with God about whatever it is you are anxious about. God has placed you in the business world to accomplish His work, your work. He’s ready to listen and take our hands...our strengths and our weaknesses, as we come before Him with our praises and petitions.
Be encouraged…. Be hopeful…. And give yourself grace, as Jesus did!