It's so much more than just a networking group!
Thursday August 1, 2013
I have been attending CWBO (Christian Women Business Owners) networking group since it's very first meeting date in March of 2010. It was, Denise Marriott, Sally, Chrissy, Cynthia and I at the first meeting. I was so excited to hear about Denise's God-given vision for this group. I just had no idea that God would have blessed it so much, and so quickly! It's truly incredible to observe what the Lord has done within this amazing gathering of women.
We started with two of us and now over 133+ women have joined our group, with approximately 60+ women in attendance per luncheon! All of this was within the first three years of it's formation! What a blessing! CWBO also hosts a breakfast and a dinner fellowship event once per month. It's so much more than just a networking group!
CWBO are a place where we can all gather as women in common. For most all of us, our common ground and foundation is that we are believers in Jesus. Sisters & Women in Christ! Then, we are all business owners and/or ministry founders. It's a great mixture of gals who are trying to grow in all aspects of life; in our knowledge of the Lord, in our businesses, and in our other duties as Women, Mothers, Wives, etc.
One of my personal highlights of CWBO are our prayer partners. We are each assigned a woman to meet with and pray for during the month, before we meet again as a group. Basically, we pray for one lady, while another is praying for us. We write out a personal and professional prayer request for the other gal to know what to pray for. I can't express enough as to what a blessing this has been! I have met with so many beautiful women that just light up the room with love, joy and the light of Christ! There have been tears, laughter, stories, and relationship building almost each and every time. One of my very first prayer partners, the lovely and dear Bree, became one of my very best friends! All thanks to us becoming prayer partners within CWBO!
Thank you Denise Marriott for following the vision that God gave you for this group! You are one of His beautiful bright lights as well, and we are all so blessed to be a part of CWBO!